
The world is suddenly a much more exciting place for remote workers

Now that you have your home, you don’t need to give it up if you want to travel at low cost. You can simply temporarily swap your abode for someone else’s. Just bring your computer, do your work as usual, and then live another life around your working hours. Visit restaurants, bars, cool spots, hot spots, the beach, the mountain, the lake, the library, in foreign lands, or in the next city over. Do it for a weekend or for months at a time. You can even swap cars and bikes, boats and pets.

Finally, you can have your cake and eat it too. You can keep your job, and share the good life with like-minded humans who also have traveling hearts. And you can do it without sacrificing comfort and space, in someone else’s home. Using their Wi-Fi, their comfy couch, and their life.

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